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My Wellness Journey: How I’m Transforming My Life

This post has been years in the making. It’s a long one, so stick with me as I nerd out about the things I’m passionate about and this is no different. Ha-ha! 

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’ve been on a wellness journey for quite some time (going on 5 years now). I truly can’t believe it’s been that long! It started during COVID and I swear I feel like it was just yesterday. 

I’ve shared, that a few years ago I had a massive amount of weight gain and no matter how healthy I was eating or how much exercise I did, I couldn’t seem to shed off the weight. Not to mention, I wasn’t sleeping. My skin was dull and I just didn’t feel right. To say I felt helpless is an understatement. So, what felt like a million doctor visits later, I got under a hormonal issue I was experiencing. 

That’s when I started to analyze and take a deep dive into my lifestyle. My overall well-being. Over and beyond eating and exercising, I wanted to understand if anything I was doing was causing some of my hormonal issues and honestly, if I could just do things that would make me feel better. I was in a pretty bad place. 

So, I started my research.

Truthfully, with the amount of information out there it quickly became overwhelming. Helpful, and informative…certainly, but nonetheless an overload. So, I took a step back and asked myself one simple question.

What do I do, touch, come in contact with in my daily life that I can look into? This allowed me to focus on this one thing and not go down the rabbit hole of trying to tackle everything under the sun (something I am prone to do). 

So, here are some of the changes I made that I believe have impacted my daily life and made a world of a difference. I can honestly say that I haven’t felt as good as I do in years. My body, energy, mind – all of it. No more brain fog. No more low energy. No more feeling off. 

Here’s what I did:

1. Switching from Counting Calories to Reading Ingredients:

Whoa! I can’t believe I just wrote that, but it’s true, and if nothing else this feels like my biggest accomplishment. I was your, ‘low calorie, low fat’ girl. If the package advertised it, I was buying it. Going through this journey and understanding the effects it was having on my body because I’m now educating myself through understanding the ingredients vs. feeling excitement on that 100-calorie pack, has been life-changing. 

Learnings: Diets high in processed foods (Hello Diet Coke, low-fat salad dressings, and low-fat yogurt amd the list goes on), refined sugars (my Splenda addiction), and unhealthy fats (refined vegetable oils) are linked to increased levels of insulin and cortisol, hormones that, when chronically elevated, can lead to weight gain (SHOCKING! Considering I was consuming these to be “skinny”), insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalances. For instance, certain additives and preservatives found in processed foods can disrupt the endocrine system and negatively impact reproductive hormones like estrogen and testosterone. [Source]

My Takeaway: Can I just say, it has been eye-opening, for better lack of word, to read the ingredients in most of our foods. If you take anything away from this, is begin to form a habit of reading the back of labels. Here’s my trick: For quick timing, research the last ingredient listed (they are usually written from “best” to “worst.” If it is bad, then no need to read and research the other ones).

2. Using Non-Toxic Cleaning Products: 

I arrived at this one all because I asked myself, “What do I come into contact with on a daily basis, besides food?” My clothes, my sheets, the towels I dry myself with every day. So, laundry detergent was my first stop, which led to going clean for the rest of them. 

Learnings: Household cleaning products often contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like parabens (a group of preservatives commonly used in cosmetics, personal care products, and some foods to prevent microbial growth and extend shelf life), which can mimic or interfere with the body’s hormones, particularly estrogen. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals has been linked to reproductive health issues, thyroid problems, and increased risk of hormonal cancers. Switching to non-toxic, plant-based cleaning products reduces exposure to these harmful chemicals. These products limit the number of harmful substances absorbed through the skin or inhaled, which is crucial as these chemicals can accumulate in the body over time​. [Source]

My Takeaway: Question anything that says “unscented” or “natural” and steer away from any fragrant products – usually made from synthetics. I learned by reading the ingredients and was stunned to realize that in many instances, “unscented” products contain synthetic fragrance compounds that are used to mask the odors of other ingredients in the formulation. My trick: Go for “Fragrance Free” although I always caution to read the label. 

Current Products: Since moving to the Caribbean, I have found an amazing shop that carries all non-toxic products called La Tribu Taína (and also provides refills, so no-single use plastic), but when living in NJ I was using Branch Basics

3. Adopting Clean Beauty Products: 

It was quite the overhaul. This took me a while since I wanted to find products that were clean but actually worked and I found that in beauty, it was a bit harder. Some of the clean beauty brands had beautiful packaging and clean formulas, but they simply didn’t work for me.

Learnings: The skin absorbs up to 60% of what is applied to it, making the ingredients in beauty products a significant factor. Many conventional beauty products contain EDCs (Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals) like BPA (a chemical commonly used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, often found in products like water bottles, food containers, and the linings of canned foods), which have been shown to interfere with hormone receptors and disrupt the endocrine system. Opting for clean beauty products that use natural, non-toxic ingredients can minimize exposure to these disruptors, helping maintain overall health​. [Source]

My Takeaway: Similar to cleaning products, I ensure that my beauty products are fragrance-free and always ensure to read the labels or ask questions. 

Current Products: I just ordered Toups & Co. Organics’ foundation and mask, so I will keep you updated. For face wash, I have been using Castile Soap, a versatile, plant-based soap traditionally made from olive oil, known for being gentle on the skin while effectively cleaning without harsh chemicals.​ I bought mine at La Tribu Taína, but before this, I used this one. This has been a game-changer.

4. Incorporating Daily Sunlight Exposure: 

For me, wellness has become an all-encompassing thing. From what I eat, to what products I use, to the daily habits that affect my overall well-being. So, for some time now I’ve been very mindful, with SPF on, of course, to exposing myself to the sun for about 20 minutes a day. On a walk, or on my run but no matter what I don’t skip it. 

Learnings: Getting 20 minutes of sunlight daily boosts vitamin D levels, which are essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland (I was misdiagnosed and took medication for a year without knowing), which controls metabolism and energy levels. It also helps regulate the release of insulin and cortisol. Low vitamin D has been associated with an increased risk of thyroid disorders and mood disorders due to its role in serotonin production. Moreover, sunlight exposure can improve sleep by regulating melatonin production, further supporting a healthy hormonal balance. [Source]

My Takeaway: Since, moving to the Caribbean this has been a lot easier because sunny days are plentiful but just being mindful that if I go too many days without going out, that it’s time to take that walk or drink that morning cup of coffee outside. I find that taking this time for myself makes me feel more centered. 

5. Prioritizing Sleep:

This one might seem obvious but I truly have a hard time with it, still. My mind wanders, and I find myself dress-rehearsing a million things as I lay in bed and so on, but the amount of change I have seen as I now consistently get about 7-8 hrs. of good, deep sleep has been life-changing. 

Learnings: Prioritizing sleep is crucial for overall health and hormonal balance. Quality sleep helps regulate hormones like cortisol (the stress hormone – my issue), insulin (which affects blood sugar levels), and leptin and ghrelin (which control hunger and satiety). Inadequate sleep can lead to increased cortisol levels, which can cause weight gain, disrupt metabolism, and lead to insulin resistance over time. Additionally, sleep deprivation has been linked to increased hunger hormones, which can result in overeating and unhealthy food choices. By ensuring 7-9 hours of restful sleep per night, you support your body’s natural hormonal rhythms, improving energy levels, mood, and overall well-being​. [Source]

My Takeaway:  Magnesium. This has been a crucial part of my nighttime routine. It has helped in getting me into a relaxed state and not want to browse on my phone or watch TV. Just simply, sleep. I steer away from Melatonin as I fell into the category of people who experience nightmares when taking. Melatonin can effect REM sleep, which may increase vivid dreaming and potentially lead to negative dream experiences. This phenomenon can be particularly noticeable in those who are sensitive to changes in their sleep patterns or in the hormone itself. [Source]

There are so many others that didn’t make the list. I’ve completely gotten rid of toxic candles and plug-ins. I no longer use any Teflon pans/pots. I don’t own any plastic Tupperware and I have added vinegar/baking soda to my list of cleaning supplies, but in the name of not writing a whole book I opted for 5 only. Ha-ha! 

It goes without saying that I am no doctor, nutritionist, holistic expert, so do your research and educate yourself, only incorporate what feels right to you and remind yourself that each of our journeys is a personal one so mine and yours never need to look the same. xx.

Thank you for being you and allowing me to share my journey,

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