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Instead of That, Try This—The Everyday Food Swaps.

As I deepen my relationship with my health, I’m continuously seeking ways to balance good nutrition and practical choices. Listening to my body and practicing intuitive eating. Learning that it’s not about my weight (a number that has haunted me for the better part of my adult years), but instead comes down to my health, my overall well-being.

In all honesty, I’m still working through all the years of judgment on my body, weight, and appearance and yet never thinking about my actual health. Still at times, not allowing it to rear its ugly head. Progress over perfection, right?

So, to say this journey has been long is an understatement. Forty-one years and counting but, as they say, it doesn’t matter how long it takes as long as you get to the “finish line.” Mine is a more sustainable lifestyle that feels good and nourishes me both physically and mentally. 

Enter The swaps. The everyday foods I continuously and mindfully choose. The ones that have contributed to not only a mindset shift but also to how my body feels daily. 

To be clear, this isn’t about cutting things out completely or depriving myself. It’s about moderation and finding a rhythm that works for me, knowing it can change at any time if it no longer works. And before I share, I want to also say that listening to my body has been my number one priority. When it feels off, I honor it. When I’m tired, I rest. When I’m hungry, I eat, and so on. It is my driving force before I commit to anything else.

Okay, now onto The Swaps.

1. Instead of Refined Sugar → Try Natural Sweeteners: One of the first swaps I made was reducing refined sugar and replacing it with natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or my new favorite coconut sugar. My latte in the morning was a big one, and since refined sugars spike your blood sugar levels, trying to sweeten it with natural sweeteners was something I began experimenting with. I started with Splenda (not a natural sweetener), then honey/maple syrup-, and while these have worked for other things, they did not work for my latte situation, so it was a big NO for me! Enter – coconut sugar. This has truly been a game changer. Not only because it’s not refined sugar, so it doesn’t give me that sluggish feeling after consuming it but also because it has natural vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. So, a win all around.

2. Instead of Processed Grains → Try Whole Grains: Bread and pasta are staples in my kitchen. I’m a carb girl, through and through and that’s not about to change. So, instead, I gradually incorporated more whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and sourdough. And I have found my stride! I make an amazing spicy salmon quinoa bowl and avocado toast on whole-grain sourdough bread that’s to die for (if you want the recipes, just let me know). However, I still haven’t banned regular pasta as whole-grain pasta tastes like cardboard to me! So recos would be greatly appreciated.

3. Instead of Artificial Snacks → Try Whole Foods: Swapping out artificial, packaged snacks for whole foods like fruits, nuts, and seeds (some I’m allergic to) has made a huge difference in how I feel throughout the day. Processed snacks, even the ones marked “healthy” or “organic” are often filled with unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives that are just not nutritious and would leave me feeling hungry. So, I started paying close attention to ingredients and skipping out whenever I deemed fit. Also, with our recent move to DR, I’ve been loading up on all the fresh fruits like mangos, pineapples, and papayas. Delicious! Oh, and yes I still grab a bag of chips on occasion, because a girl needs balance.

4. Instead of Sugary Drinks → Try Infused Water/Sparkling Water: I will start by saying this wasn’t necessarily a hard one for me as the only sugary drink I had (and still consume from time to time) is Diet Coke, but it was one that I started paying closer attention to. How often did I drink it? When was I most likely to consume it? When paying attention, I realized it was more often than I realized so I started swapping it for sparkling water with flavor. This worked. It satisfied my cravings. Hello, bubbles and taste, leaving out the sugar substitutes and additives that my body just doesn’t need.

5. Instead of Dairy → Try Plant-Based Alternatives: This one came by way of allergies. I had an allergy test done which revealed that I was pretty much allergic to dairy. Not the EpiPen kind, but definitely an intolerance. It is no wonder when consuming loads of cheese (still can’t give that one up), I bloat like a balloon and feel miserable. So, now I’ve cut back on most dairy and incorporated more plant-based alternatives like almond milk and coconut yogurt. These have improved my digestion and don’t sit heavy in my stomach. Yay, for less bloating!

6. Instead of Fried Foods → Try Baked or Air-Fried Options: What did we do before air fryers existed? Growing up, fried foods provided a sense of comfort, of home, so instead of giving up my childhood faves, I now just air-fry them instead. I’ve done it all. Think of “fried” chicken, french fries, and even empanadas. My motto: If it can be fried, it can be air-fried and yes, nothing beats the crispiness of fried foods when that craving hits but the air-fryer does the trick at least 80% of the time.

There they are! Some food swaps if you are looking to make some lifestyle changes.

Hopefully, this helps towards no longer subscribing to restrictions or seeing everything as being black or white. Allowing yourself, to find the balance that works for you and feels sustainable in the long term. 

As for me, I want to live a joyful life, so indulging will never be off the table especially when it comes to my favorite foods/treats. It’s just knowing that everything is done in moderation and by incorporating these swaps, most of the time, I feel better, more energized, and more aligned with my health goals.

Always remember to be kind to yourself, start small, find what works for you, and embrace the balance that makes YOU feel YOUR best.


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